Thursday, August 27, 2009

Progress report

I'm kicking ass on this writing project, and it's kicking my ass somewhat as well. In the past two days, I've added 7,300 words, 4,300 of them today. My total is up to around 24,000 and it wouldn't be wrong to say I'm at least halfway done, if not more than that.

It's amazing how vivid 15, 16 year old memories are when you begin to explore them a bit. Certainly I have a world of documents to work from, but I can remember so much of this now that the wound has been reopened.

It was not a particularly pleasant time for me on the personal level, having been involved in my second DUI when all this was going down--indeed, I had to skip jail service one weekend just to write up a massive account before deadline. And there was a personal relationship that had gone Shitsville during the same period, which didn't do much to enhance things.

But what the hell, the fires of misery forge us into the steel-hardened individuals we become, eh? Or some such shit. All I can say is, there's been a lot of water pass beneath the bridge in the ensuing years and most of that might have felt right at home inside a septic line. But that's the way life goes -- first your money and then your clothes, as the old gambler's song goes.

At this point, I simply want to finish the rough draft as quickly as possible, because I intend to devote an inordinate amount of time to the rewriting, editing process. When I'm finished, this son of a bitch is going to be polished up like an apple you wouldn't hesitate to give to your favorite teach.

The way things go in school nowadays, the teacher would probably give you a blow job in return. Alas, I lived in a kinder, gentler age.

Just checking in, folks. Just checking in.


Dennis said...

I can say that this will be one book worth reading. Jim spent a lot of hours covering the trial and making detail notes. At one time lawyers would ask him what went on as they knew he had detailed accounts of the witnesses and defendants testimony. I think Jim has lost his seat at the coffee shop because he has been working deligently on this book and his grill is covered up for the winter.

Jazz said...

Yeah, I used to know more about the cases than many of the lawyers did. Cahill said once that she kept clippings of all my court coverage because I could get the facts straighter--and more of them--than she could using shorthand. I told her I had my own form of shorthand.

I suspect I'll be uncovering that smoker before the summer is completely finished. Wanna burn at least one more pork butt and maybe some chicken, too. Hopefully, we'll have a mild winter and can get in some cooking days then as well.