Thursday, July 29, 2010

This damned heat wave seems endless and, according to weather forecasts, will only get worse next week. Actual air temps will be around 100, so that will drive the heat index way the hell up. But what the hell, all we can do is run the air constantly, stay in for the most part and say hell with it.

Had the family gathering last Sunday, all went well. At too much, but then I'm prone to doing that anytime. Good barbecue (bought) -- way too damned hot for me to fire up a smoker. Haven't done any smoking in some time, but looking forward to doing some when this evil ass weather breaks.

Made run to Camden Monday, stopped and got new auto registration on way home. With the county additional fee to fund the new 1000-acre lake, ran the fare up to $79. Probably not a lot to some folks living in other states and urban areas, but significant increase over the past around here.

I had intended to vote while at the county complex Monday. But of course, I switched to a new wallet recently and left my voter registration card in the old one. So maybe tomorrow I'll head over to Huntingdon before my normal Friday outing and cast a vote on the last day of early voting. Don't even wanna think of standing in those long lines August 5.

Expecting a new digital camera in the mail in the next day or two. I didn't need one -- have two good video cams and three still digital cams, but Amazon had a deal on one of those Kodak 10 mp, 10x zoom camera too good to pass, at $99 for a bundle. Camera, case, rechargeable batteries, charger. Another $11 for a 4-gb card. I checked the reviews and most folks raved about the thing. We'll see.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Heat wave & more

Got that freaking painting finished up yesterday afternoon. Only problem was the stooping/sitting required; actually, the getting back in an upright position after that was the problem, since the old joints and bones don't work like they used to. But things look much better with a fresh coat of paint. Maybe when cool weather comes I'll do more general painting around the house.

Hot as hell again -- we're under another heat warning and it's expected to continue through the weekend and probably most of next week. As luck would have it, Gwen has a doctor's appointment in Camden at 2:15 this afternoon, so I'll get to enjoy the warmth. My sister and her daughter and family will be in sometime this afternoon about that time. [Change in plan. Gwen called and canceled appointment today, reset for 10:30 Monday.]

We're having a big get-together out at brother Jerry's Sunday, sort of a combined birthday celebration for me and him. Sunday will be his BD, 62nd I think. We're all getting old -- which is what happens if you live long enough. (Inane babble, that.) Way my breathing has deteriorated the last few weeks, figure I'll be damned lucky to see 70.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Life goes on

Just back from town. Had to pick up a gallon of trim paint, gonna do all the bathroom trim and doors today. Ah, the joys of home ownership!

Fairly uneventful 69th birthday passed the 19th. Got about half lit. No. Got completely lit, if truth be told. Hell, 30 years ago I would have given long odds that I would not be alive today. So, no complaints. I've dreamed many times that I live to be 77. Don't know what the hell the basis for that is, those particular numbers, but if I do that would be cool, too. If not, well what the hell can you do about it?

Hot as hell. The heat index was 106 yesterday and may surpass that today. Humidity so dense you can almost swim through it. Not the optimum weather for a guy with breathing difficulties. Christ, I came in from the store yesterday afternoon to find my brother Edd mowing my tall-ass grass. I don't see how he did it, but he mowed the whole freaking yard and weed-ate (huh?) as well. Course, won't take a penny for it either. I'll take him and his wife back to Carmack's Fish Barn again before long as a repayment of sorts. I took them for the first time a couple or three weeks ago and they were impressed by the food and the ambiance.

I see Mike Boyle has shut down Bohobait. I hate that, I dropped by there frequently and always enjoyed Mike's posts. Certainly, this sort of "blogging" I'm doing is a waste of time for the most part, something that would fall under the "who gives a fuck?" column. I don't know why I bother to do it; truth is, I had a blog back in '98 on one of my domains, long before blogging became "the thing" to do. And I did the "Blogmouth" thing on for about five years before giving that up.

I'll no doubt quit this shit one of these days. But until I do, I'll keep posting such mundane BS. Such is life.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not much happening

Haven't posted lately, been sort of under the weather with allergies and what is apparently a chest cold. Woman has been sick too, so it's been the blind leading the blind around here. Morning heavy rain has ended and the sun is shining at the moment--all working toward tomorrow's heat warning. That sun will soak all this rain out of the earth and the humidity will be beyond awful.

Expecting another delivery of books tomorrow. Sales have been decent -- one elderly woman from Yuma showed up and bought 12 the other day, 11 of those orders from her friends and neighbors. I need to find an outlet out in the county, one of those rural stores that would stock them. Also need to explore the possibility of setting up a sales booth at the new merchant's mall they have here now. Might give it a try one weekend and see what happens, could offer both novels and the murder book in combination for a good deal. That outfit collects and pays the state sales tax, so that would solve a big problem.

Today is my routine "afternoon out." Banking, mailing, coffee shop chat, bit of shopping. Damn, what an exciting life I lead!