Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One of those days

Damn, this is one of those days when things seem to heap up on me and I can't get much acomplished. They always seem to come at the worst times when they're most difficult to deal with.

Started off bad with me sleeping too late; it was almost 8:30 when I arose, which is unusual since I'm usually awake by 5:30 or 6 at the latest. But I was up in the middle of the night taking seltzer for a bad case of indigestion, which was brought on by some of the pizza left over from Sunday. I'd ordered one of those big specials from Mama Ilios and no way can I eat a whole one of those, good as they are. (I DID eat a whole 20-incher a few months ago and it almost killed me.) But they always give me heartburn too and especially if I eat it too late.

I need to run by city hall and pay my water and sanitation bill, go by the bank and deposit some checks, and go shopping. All this while waiting for the coming bad news on my brother-in-law. And adding to the misery is the fact that for several days I've had an infection in my left eye. Appears to be conjunctivitis, which I haven't had in many years. Toss into the mix that after an unusually cool and wet July, summer has returned with a vengeance to the rolling alluvial plains of northwestern Tennessee. Hot and humid and we're expecting storms later. And, just for another concern, I have yet to do my daily dose of writing on the Brooks murder book. Oh yeah, I'm almost out of cigarettes, too.

Oh well, I did manage to get the lawn mowed yesterday. I didn't mow it, my yard man came after I called him. I hate to have the damned thing mowed because it costs me about three cases of beer every time. I don't measure costs in money, but by the beer standard.

What the hell. It's just one of those days.


Anonymous said...

Bad days happen. I've been having this choking sensation caused by the heat and dust and fans and dry air, I believe. Hope it's just that anyway...

My doctor told me to get a humidifier.

What are you going to do?

There is no rest in this life... As long as my daughter doesn't precede me and I have my work each day to look forward to, I'll be all right.


Jazz said...

Well, got everything taken care of today but the writing. Since I have several thousand words ahead on that from the initial start a few years back, no big deal. Still haven't heard any more bad news, which is good I guess, though the outcome seems carved in stone.

In any case, my market had black Angus NY strips on sale for $4.98 a pound today so I got four. Just had one flung onto the very hot coals for about three minutes on each side and two big homegrown tomatoes with cottage cheese. A few cool ones and I'm good to go. Life could be worse, and usually is.