Thursday, November 12, 2009

In-N-Out or die tryin'

Trip preparations continue. Just went to the post office and got the largest flat-rate priority mail box. It's not very large but it easily holds everything I wanted to put in it: smokes, video and still cameras, chargers, computer connection cords for both, jump drive. There's room left over for a few things, so I'll probably stuff the spare space with socks, underwear, etc. to take up the slack and support things. Or use foam pellets to finish it off.

When I hit the ground Tuesday evening, first order of business will be a smoke. Second will be to find the nearest "In-N-Out" burger shop. That's already agreed upon.

I refuse to go over the Laguna Mountains and into the desert without that burger and fries. If you've never had an In-N-Out you don't know what you're missing. The only thing that will stop me from getting one is if the plane goes down in a smoking pile of rubble somewhere.

If it does, I'll be thinking about that missed In-N-Out all the way to the ground.


Dennis said...

I have heard of In-N-Out, isn't that where Paris Hilton gets her burgers? Send me one of the In-N-Out burgers as I will probably never get to California and I don't see a franchise In-N-Out opening in McKenzie. LOL

Jazz said...

Yeah, I recall once Hilton was busted for DUI or something because she was going to In-N-Out about 3 in the morning. They're great burgers, doubt they will ever spread over this far.