Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Life goes on (barely)

Got the cleanup project done, or at least enough of it to suit my purposes. Threw away some things, but a little judicious rearranging also helped. Still some clutter, but the floor is basically clear. Soon I'll have to start filling up the cleared space with some "organized" clutter. Sorta self defeating, eh? Oh well.

Got my annual bill from NoMonthlyFees (HA!) for jc.net this morning, due by next February. Bastards have almost doubled the annual fee, so I'll probably drop the domain when it comes up for renewal. Same with TS, which is due in April. They started out as a good deal back a decade or so ago, but have tacked on all sorts of "maintenance fees" and bullshit until now it's a rip-off. All my shit on there is old and hasn't been updated in ages anyway. Just hate to lose my domain names, but what the hell, doesn't really matter in the long haul. I have the whole Thunder Sandwich archive on a disc anyway and I'll do the same with my personal site. TS still gets several hundred visits a day even if it hasn't been updated in about 5 years. Well over 8 million total from all over the world. It was a good run, but all things pass finally.

Haven't done any writing in some time. Keep thinking I'll finish one of these projects underway or start a new one. Then I think how little the effort amounts to in the long haul. Shit, of late I've done well to get enough oxygen to keep me going.

Saw Dr. Holancin at the grocery the other day. I was telling him about my breathing problems. He said he was having knee replacement surgery, but for me to call in January and get an appointment. Said he might be able to give me something to help with the breathing. Told him I might do that, and I might. Shit, at some point I'll have to have oxygen and I'll need medical shit for that. I recall chatting with Ben Hiatt, who had COPD bad and was on oxygen. Don't think old Ben beat me out of the barn by much.

Truth is, it's all been fun. But you have to pay the piper at some point.

Sometimes, I feel like the payment is overdue.


Mike Boyle said...

Shit, hope you get to feeling better.
Traditional Medicinals makes these herbal teas. I regularly drink the Everyday Detox one, for the liver. They have one called Breathe Easy, for respiratory health.
Dunno how you feel about herbal things. I swear by them. Plus, well, anything to keep me from going to the doctor.

Jazz said...

Thanks, Mike. I've never messed with the herbal thing much (at one time took raw bee pollen however, and felt great with it). But at this point, I'm ready to try anything. Might give it a shot. I hate dr.'s too, haven't been (for illness) in many years.