Thursday, September 2, 2010

Onward, if not upward

Not much has changed on the personal front since my last entry. The woman is very ill; I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t end up in the hospital before it’s over. No appetite, losing weight rapidly. And there are some other ominous symptoms as well. She wasn’t feeling well for some time, but has really gone south in the past couple of days.

We’d planned to go to a big house party being thrown by a Facebook friend this coming Sunday but, unless there’s some dramatic improvement, that’s out the window. I was looking forward to that, too. But hell, way things stand now I’ll be lucky to get out and pay bills tomorrow.

Speaking of bills, the bathroom work was a help with the water bill. It’s down about 40-percent over the last one. The shower obviously requires a lot less water than did that old claw foot tub, and the leak he found and repaired added to the positive side. Not to mention this new commode with the 1.6 gallon siphon flush--it has dual flushes and the first one doesn’t require that much water. Anyway, a $59 bill beats hell out of a $99 one.

Supposed to cool down over the weekend. Highs in low 80s and low 50s at night. Low humidity. I’m ready for it. This summer has worn my old ass out.

On the other hand, a hot, miserable summer beats no summer at all.


Mike Boyle said...

That sucks. Hope things work out for your lady. Hope you are well, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mike. She's feeling some better today, eating better and all. Me, I just keep plugging along; think the booze keeps me alive and kicking. *L
