Saturday, January 8, 2011

This 'n' that

My speculation on the Titans situation was ass-backward. In reality, Fisher stays and Young goes. Just another case of how tricky appearances can be and how it never pays to jump to conclusions. What seems obvious seldom is. You'd think I would have learned that after walking this old sod for almost 70 years. But I'm a slow learner in some instances.

No matter. We're bracing for either a dusting of snow or a blizzard. The weather forecasts for this part of the country are never spot-on. According to the most recent projections, we're slated to get a dusting to an inch, while 75-80 miles south of here they could have up to 8 inches. What happens depends on the movement of a low coming out of Texas. If it moves along the gulf coast as models now project, the heavy snow line will lie south of us. If it makes a northward turn in Mississippi or Alabama, that line will move further north. (Current projections.)

Doesn't matter much to me which happens. I've laid in plenty of food, smokes and some 45 to get me through whatever happens. I can eat, drink and smoke. What more does an old dog need. Course, I will be unhappy if somehow an unexpected ice storm (or snow too heavy) breaks down utility lines and we wind up without this addictive creation called the Internet. That would be a serious cross to bear.

I have a hard time remembering how we functioned before this magic came to be. I vaguely recall sitting and waiting for snail mail communications from this or that person, in response to letters I had banged out on an old manual typewriter. Some folks could tell you about the long and insane letters I wrote in such fashion. I know that at least one person who comes here was victim to more than one of them.

Got a start on my next book, but have done very little of it. At least I know where I'm headed with it, even if I've made only a bare step or two in the right direction. Well hell, that old "every journey begins with one step" BS. Cliché, but it's true--which is why it became a cliché. And I'm in no big hurry anymore to do anything. I ran to keep up with the world for a long time. Now, if it passes me I couldn't give a good rat's ass less. We're all headed to the same destination anyway.

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