Friday, November 19, 2010

New project

Started the process yesterday to convert my books for Kindle. Not terribly difficult, but a bunch of little hoops to jump through to get them in an acceptable format. Several programs to download for use in such as well. I do them in Word.doc to begin with, which is a necessary part of the process. The saving them to filtered HTML was something of a surprise, though, unlike the PDF required for the paper versions.

I"m in no big hurry because most of them won't sell in that format either, but it's just another opportunity. And, the writer gets 70-percent of the revenue in that market, which is better than the conventional route.

I'll have five or six books in that format when I'm done, including two that are very near finished. One a book of short stories and the other poems written since Smoke & Thunder. Not sure I'll bother converting the new poetry book, probably be a waste of time. Maybe not, S&T is still selling a few copies along and it's 8 years old now. Freaking royalty is miniscule, however.

Chilly this morning, but it's supposed to get up in the lower 70s again by Sunday. West Tennessee weather is always a mystery, never know what it's going to do here. I saw some predictions where we may have a warmer/stormier winter than normal.

Hope that's true--the warmer part anyway, though I don't want any of those severe winter tornadoes to come tearing through town again. Can't recall exactly, but the last one we had was either in late February or early March. Very unsettling to see all that debris whirling around a couple hundred feet in the air two blocks from one's house.


Mike Boyle said...

Hey, good move. I've been thinking about doing that, eventually. Did a little research. Everyone is coming out with digital readers now. Barns and Noble, Sony has one. The concern is a book formatted for Kindle won't work on the other readers, but eventually, they'll all be cross-platform, if they're not already.
There's already an iPhone and iPad Kindle app.

Jazz said...

Yeah, I finished converting Parallel Blues this morning and uploaded it to Kindle, after I completed the joining process. It's in review now. Over the coming days I'll do the rest of them. Program runs through a command prompt and I initially had some problems because I didn't enter the file location, but that was easily ironed out.

I'm gonna check into the B&N site and see what's up with their reader and a similar offering for writers. Probably have to format a different way, but long as you keep the master file intact that shouldn't be a problem.

Jazz said...

Through with review, in publishing process now. Next week I'll do the rest of them, now that I know I'm doing it right.

Jazz said...

It's live and available now, so I did get everything right. Got the murder book converted and will put it on later today or tomorrow. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.