Monday, September 13, 2010

Little improvement

Gwen is somewhat better, but still far from being totally well. She has begun eating a bit, which is one hell of an improvement over days with no food at all. I didn't pick the best time to smoke a pork butt Saturday -- she's had one sandwich of it and it didn't agree with her -- but I'll eat most of it and freeze the rest. Matter of fact, will have some later and then freeze what's left; quite a bit, considering it was close to 5 pounds to begin with.

Weather has improved as well. Warm today, but not overly hot and the humidity is low. I sat on the porch drinking boilermakers all afternoon and evening yesterday, watching Titans kick Raiders ass. Dozed off at some point and woke up at 2 A.M. and came inside. Browsed around until 5 and then slept for a couple hours. Damn, forgot "Mad Men" was on last night and will have to watch the missed show at midnight tonight.

Apparently, the Vols are going to have a rough year if Saturday's game with the Ducks was any indication. Looked damned good until a couple minutes remaining in the first half, then they went complete shitsville. Matt Simms seems to be a decent QB, but getting the ball to the target doesn't help much if the target can't maintain a hold on it. I think their next game is with the Gators; I'd love to see them beat Florida, but if the past is any indication, that isn't likely to happen.

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