Just back from town. Had to pick up a gallon of trim paint, gonna do all the bathroom trim and doors today. Ah, the joys of home ownership!
Fairly uneventful 69th birthday passed the 19th. Got about half lit. No. Got completely lit, if truth be told. Hell, 30 years ago I would have given long odds that I would not be alive today. So, no complaints. I've dreamed many times that I live to be 77. Don't know what the hell the basis for that is, those particular numbers, but if I do that would be cool, too. If not, well what the hell can you do about it?
Hot as hell. The heat index was 106 yesterday and may surpass that today. Humidity so dense you can almost swim through it. Not the optimum weather for a guy with breathing difficulties. Christ, I came in from the store yesterday afternoon to find my brother Edd mowing my tall-ass grass. I don't see how he did it, but he mowed the whole freaking yard and weed-ate (huh?) as well. Course, won't take a penny for it either. I'll take him and his wife back to Carmack's Fish Barn again before long as a repayment of sorts. I took them for the first time a couple or three weeks ago and they were impressed by the food and the ambiance.
I see Mike Boyle has shut down Bohobait. I hate that, I dropped by there frequently and always enjoyed Mike's posts. Certainly, this sort of "blogging" I'm doing is a waste of time for the most part, something that would fall under the "who gives a fuck?" column. I don't know why I bother to do it; truth is, I had a blog back in '98 on one of my domains, long before blogging became "the thing" to do. And I did the "Blogmouth" thing on jc.net for about five years before giving that up.
I'll no doubt quit this shit one of these days. But until I do, I'll keep posting such mundane BS. Such is life.
Fairly uneventful 69th birthday passed the 19th. Got about half lit. No. Got completely lit, if truth be told. Hell, 30 years ago I would have given long odds that I would not be alive today. So, no complaints. I've dreamed many times that I live to be 77. Don't know what the hell the basis for that is, those particular numbers, but if I do that would be cool, too. If not, well what the hell can you do about it?
Hot as hell. The heat index was 106 yesterday and may surpass that today. Humidity so dense you can almost swim through it. Not the optimum weather for a guy with breathing difficulties. Christ, I came in from the store yesterday afternoon to find my brother Edd mowing my tall-ass grass. I don't see how he did it, but he mowed the whole freaking yard and weed-ate (huh?) as well. Course, won't take a penny for it either. I'll take him and his wife back to Carmack's Fish Barn again before long as a repayment of sorts. I took them for the first time a couple or three weeks ago and they were impressed by the food and the ambiance.
I see Mike Boyle has shut down Bohobait. I hate that, I dropped by there frequently and always enjoyed Mike's posts. Certainly, this sort of "blogging" I'm doing is a waste of time for the most part, something that would fall under the "who gives a fuck?" column. I don't know why I bother to do it; truth is, I had a blog back in '98 on one of my domains, long before blogging became "the thing" to do. And I did the "Blogmouth" thing on jc.net for about five years before giving that up.
I'll no doubt quit this shit one of these days. But until I do, I'll keep posting such mundane BS. Such is life.
I am sure that I saw the local garden club drive by your domain very slowly with the Yard of the Month sign. I will drive by today to see if you got the award.
A belated happy birthday, Jazz!
Per bohobait: It ran its course. Five year run, minus a few months. Might start a new one at some point.
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