Sunday, June 20, 2010

Porch is lookin' good, thanks to my woman

Gwen has been sprucing up my sitting area on the front porch. Also I've added blinds and gotten rid of the old plastic tarp I've had hanging as a sun shield. This is a great place to stay when the weather is nice, reading, writing or browsing, watching TV or a DVD. Too damned hot now to do much out there, however, but I'm looking forward to a lot of Saturday and Sunday football view come fall.


Dennis said...

It appears that your woman has worked for Good Housekeeping. You are really sprucing up your domain for the better. I probably won't ever get an invite over since you have remodeled. Looks great.

Jazz said...

You're welcome over any time, Dennis, just fall by and we'll have a drink.

She's done one hell of a job with it.