I have grown tired of political postings on my other blogs. This will be strictly personal stuff: my life, my work, my whatever is up. Appropriate that I begin this on my birthday; can 68 years have passed since I sprang into existence?
According to the calendar, the answer is yes, unfortunately. Or maybe not unfortunately. I seem more content now than I was as a young man, always in search of something I couldn't name. I still can't name it, although I'm sure I never found it. What it was no longer matters.
My retired life centers around writing and drinking beer, both noble pursuits. Certainly, both will kill you eventually, but then doesn't most things? As Carlin used to joke, even saliva is fatal--but only in small doses over a number of years.
Anyway, I am batting the keyboard nowadays to wind up a vampire novel. I don't write (or read) vampire novels, so don't ask me why this is happening. But it is and I shall finish it shortly.And then I will undertake another project, although I am not sure what at this point.
Stay tuned.
According to the calendar, the answer is yes, unfortunately. Or maybe not unfortunately. I seem more content now than I was as a young man, always in search of something I couldn't name. I still can't name it, although I'm sure I never found it. What it was no longer matters.
My retired life centers around writing and drinking beer, both noble pursuits. Certainly, both will kill you eventually, but then doesn't most things? As Carlin used to joke, even saliva is fatal--but only in small doses over a number of years.
Anyway, I am batting the keyboard nowadays to wind up a vampire novel. I don't write (or read) vampire novels, so don't ask me why this is happening. But it is and I shall finish it shortly.And then I will undertake another project, although I am not sure what at this point.
Stay tuned.
Retirement is a blast! I think I've actually been retired since I was about 27. Being 68, well, I've been better.
Oh, yeah...Hi, Jim! Doin' the 68 thing right along with ya. Looking forward to 70. Not really. But yeah, I am because that means I might live that long. I think living at least one day longer than my dad would be a triumph. Which was the manufacturer of the motorcycle I learned to ride on. When I was 12.
Lovely header. Happy birthday, Jazz!
Thanks, men. And thanks Mike for the BD congrats. That picture is one of me with long hair and a real long beard and a bandanna on my head.
Ned, I knew we were about the same age, born in the same year in fact. I loved that book you wrote about your past life, your dad and yourself and all that happened back then, it was a masterpiece. Your old man was a fantastic actor, one of the best. Hell, you'll make 70 man, no sweat. And probably 80 too, though I'll be waving from the graveyard by then.
I have a feeling I'll be enjoying this.
Well, I hope so, Ellen. I used to enjoy blogging there at the Sun until I got to be a little too much for them. *L
Looking forward to seeing this new blog. Hell, I've been there for all of them, always enjoyed myself.
-Jim V
Yo, Jim. Hell, remember you and I were blogging back in the nineties before most people even knew what it was. Those were the fun Internet days.
Happy belated Birthday, Jim
Remember wine gets better with age.
Thanks, Dennis. But you know, I think I'm a quart of Thunderbird, and I don't thing age improves it any. heh
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