As predicted, I changed books prices. Let's see if Parallel will sell for $9.99, since it wouldn't for .99. Stranger things have happened.
Giving up the domain in a couple days. Damned if I'll pay that inflated annual fee "NoMonthlyFees" has now stuck on it. When I first bought space from that shitty outfit about 11 years ago, the deal was $200 upfront and no other fees except for $35 annually to renew the domain name--way too much for a domain name, in any case. And then after a couple years they stuck on an additional $35 "administrative" fee, doubling the initial deal. And now they've tacked on another $50, all this for 600 MB of space. Way unreasonable. Below is a little note I intend to send them the day my site expires:
I see you're offering new customers a year's free ride--which explains why you have made such an effort to rid yourself of old customers by charging a ridiculous price for the miniscule amount of space provided. Course, it pays to suck in the new rubes so you can later jack up the price on them as you have those of us who fell for that "$200 and no monthly fee" BS a decade ago. No doubt such practices will garner you tons of fans who spread word of your piss-poor support and "don't sass our techs or we'll drop your site" intimidation techniques. It got to the point that when my sites went down, I didn't bother to submit a ticket but waited several days for them to come back on their own. It's easier than dealing with those short-bus riders you employ.
Screw 'em and the chicken they rode in on. Sometime later this year I'll buy another domain and space, but it won't be for a 'zine site. I flirted recently with trying that again, but the thoughts of dealing with all those egos cooled the temptation pretty quickly.
Giving up the domain in a couple days. Damned if I'll pay that inflated annual fee "NoMonthlyFees" has now stuck on it. When I first bought space from that shitty outfit about 11 years ago, the deal was $200 upfront and no other fees except for $35 annually to renew the domain name--way too much for a domain name, in any case. And then after a couple years they stuck on an additional $35 "administrative" fee, doubling the initial deal. And now they've tacked on another $50, all this for 600 MB of space. Way unreasonable. Below is a little note I intend to send them the day my site expires:
I see you're offering new customers a year's free ride--which explains why you have made such an effort to rid yourself of old customers by charging a ridiculous price for the miniscule amount of space provided. Course, it pays to suck in the new rubes so you can later jack up the price on them as you have those of us who fell for that "$200 and no monthly fee" BS a decade ago. No doubt such practices will garner you tons of fans who spread word of your piss-poor support and "don't sass our techs or we'll drop your site" intimidation techniques. It got to the point that when my sites went down, I didn't bother to submit a ticket but waited several days for them to come back on their own. It's easier than dealing with those short-bus riders you employ.
Screw 'em and the chicken they rode in on. Sometime later this year I'll buy another domain and space, but it won't be for a 'zine site. I flirted recently with trying that again, but the thoughts of dealing with all those egos cooled the temptation pretty quickly.