Had the family gathering last Sunday, all went well. At too much, but then I'm prone to doing that anytime. Good barbecue (bought) -- way too damned hot for me to fire up a smoker. Haven't done any smoking in some time, but looking forward to doing some when this evil ass weather breaks.
Made run to Camden Monday, stopped and got new auto registration on way home. With the county additional fee to fund the new 1000-acre lake, ran the fare up to $79. Probably not a lot to some folks living in other states and urban areas, but significant increase over the past around here.
I had intended to vote while at the county complex Monday. But of course, I switched to a new wallet recently and left my voter registration card in the old one. So maybe tomorrow I'll head over to Huntingdon before my normal Friday outing and cast a vote on the last day of early voting. Don't even wanna think of standing in those long lines August 5.
Expecting a new digital camera in the mail in the next day or two. I didn't need one -- have two good video cams and three still digital cams, but Amazon had a deal on one of those Kodak 10 mp, 10x zoom camera too good to pass, at $99 for a bundle. Camera, case, rechargeable batteries, charger. Another $11 for a 4-gb card. I checked the reviews and most folks raved about the thing. We'll see.